Strategies for Teaching and Learning
A research-based approach to literacy development
As educators, we work persistently to meet the needs of every student.
Our efforts toward this goal can be impacted by countless factors—our students’ strengths and needs, our school environment and resources, state and federal standards, the input from countless invested community voices, time limitations, and more.
Hi, I’m Jennifer Serravallo
educator, author, speaker, and LEADER of a team of literacy specialists.
I work worldwide alongside K-8 educators like you to develop proficient, enthusiastic readers and writers using research and practical strategies.
My model for supporting both students and adult learners is based on continuous data collection, intentional goal-setting, explicit strategy instruction, and responsive feedback.
With 20+ years of teaching experience, 15 books and teaching resources published, and an incredible team of literacy specialists by my side, I’d be honored to join the work in your district, as we collaborate to build knowledge, skills, confidence, and excitement around literacy learning and instruction.
How Do You Prefer to Learn?
personalize your literacy learning to match your interests, goals, and how you learn best.
From best-selling books to customizable professional development, you can personalize your literacy learning to match your interests, goals, and how you learn best. No matter how you choose to work with me, you’ll get practical, timely strategies for learning and teaching, driven by needs-based assessments and backed by current research.
Professional Development
Collaborate with us for customized professional learning experiences based in your classroom, school, and district; or choose online workshops or webinar series.
Printable Resources
Download ready-to-use resources, including writing templates, assessments, study guides, and resources in Spanish.
Keep up to date with current research and get realistic ideas and solutions for your classroom. Listen in as I interview researchers and scholars and have post-interview discussions with colleagues about practical takeaways.
Read about research-driven best practices using my best-selling books such as The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 (new 2023 edition!), The Writing Strategies Book, my comprehension assessment and teaching resource Complete Comprehension, the recently-released Teaching Reading Across the Day, and more.
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