Darren Victory
During his years as a classroom teacher, Darren worked primarily at bilingual and Title I campuses, collaborating and planning with educators in multilingual classrooms to provide support for both current ESL students as well as those exiting bilingual programs. Darren was also instrumental in developing campus initiatives designed to improve K-5 writing instruction, supporting multiple grade levels in planning units of study as well as individualized student support.
Prior to his career as an educator, Victory spent 15 years as a writer and editor for a variety of newspapers and magazines. His work has appeared in both print and online publications in the United States, South America, Europe, and Japan -- including The Associated Press, Denver Rocky Mountain News, The Dallas Morning News, The American Editor, Mobile Asia-Pacific Magazine, Thomson Financial Media, and The Poynter Institute. He is a co-recipient of the Associated Press (APME) Community Service Award for his work on a feature series about the impact of poverty in rural Texas and the recipient of an Associated Press award for his assistance with media coverage of the space shuttle Columbia disaster.
Victory currently works with teachers and school districts across the country, leveraging his experiences as both a teacher and writer.
He lives in Fort Worth, Texas.