Illinois Reading Council Annual Conference
Keynote Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this keynote will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction-no matter what approach to literacy you use, the grade level, the developmental levels, or the ages of the students you teach. You’ll learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading, ways to choose the right strategies for each reader based on reading goals and skill progressions. This keynote is designed to be highly practical with immediately applicable information.
Session 1 Title: Bringing Strategies to Life: Reading with Accuracy and Fluency
Description: Drawing from Jen’s best-selling resources on the teaching of reading, this workshop will help you to become adept at assessing and teaching to support students' accuracy and fluency through conferences and small group instruction.
You will explore strategies for supporting reading with accuracy and fluency using skills progression for thinking about how the work becomes more sophisticated over time.
Video and text examples will be used to show, not just tell. With an emphasis on practicality, you'll be able to turn what you learned around into action immediately.
Session 2 Title: Teaching Writing in Small Groups
Description: Drawing from Jennifer Serravallo's Teaching Writing in Small Groups as well as The Writing Strategies Book, this workshop will show you how just a few minutes of purposeful, responsive teaching can have a big impact with your students.
The emphasis will be in essential practices for optimizing small groups that will help you value each child's language and literacy practices, develop relationships with your writers, teach with efficiency, improve independence, and more.
The engaging videos and Jen's ability to break down complex concepts into actionable, doable steps will equip participants to be able to try out the ideas right away.
Schedule: one-hour keynote (luncheon), two one-hour featured presentations

Reading Strategies Full Day Workshop
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom
Description: Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a
research-packed (700+ citations to the science of reading) revised and
reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this workshop will help
you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what
approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages
of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in
reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn
about each reading goal: key research findings, skill progressions for
systematic sequential teaching, tips for explicit teaching and feedback, and
how to match assessments to strategies that matter most.
Throughout the day you’ll view videos of Jen and her colleagues teaching K-8
readers in a variety of whole-class and small-group formats, aligned to the
range of goals. This day will be comprehensive and cover a lot of content,
engage you with activities, and equip you to take what you learned back to
the classroom right away.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
● Develop an understanding of the research base for reading
strategies, goal-directed instruction, and for each reading goal.
● Learn practical strategies for assessing and evaluating reading.
● Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress
● Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to
student goals
● Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences
and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes
● Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including
notetaking and scheduling

Rutgers Center for Literacy Development Speaker Series
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this session will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction, with a focus on accuracy and fluency through conferences and small group instruction. You’ll learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading, ways to choose the right strategies for each reader based on reading goals and skill progressions, and strategies for supporting
reading with accuracy and fluency. Video examples will be used throughout the session to show, not just tell. With an emphasis on practicality, you’ll be able to turn what you learned around into action immediately.
Schedule: 9:45 - 11:45 presented by Jen, 40-minute break for lunch, Leah Steiner, a member of Jen’s consulting team, will continue the presentation until 2:00

California Reading Association: Keynote
Opening keynote for the annual CA Reading Association Conference
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Reading strategies offer children the essential "how to" toaccomplish any goal or skill: from engaging with their reading, to decoding and blending to read words accurately, to reading fluently, to understand what they read. Reading strategies make teaching more explicit, and support independence, and they belong in every classroom, no matter your curriculum or your approach to literacy instruction. In this keynote, Jennifer Serravallo will review the broad and deep research-based strategy instruction, what makes an effective strategy, and how to use goals and skill progressions toidentify the right strategy at the right time--whether planning (or supplementing) curriculum or making decisions for differentiated instruction.
Georgia Association Of Curriculum & Instruction Supervisors
Invited keynote speaker for the 2023 annual winter conference of GACIS.