Reading for the Love of It Conference (Toronto)
More details to come!
***Session 1 Title: Bringing Strategies to Life: Reading with Accuracy and Fluency
Description: Drawing from Jen’s best-selling resources on the teaching of reading, this workshop will help you to become adept at assessing and teaching to support students' accuracy and fluency through conferences and small group instruction.
You will explore strategies for supporting reading with accuracy and fluency using skills progression for thinking about how the work becomes more sophisticated over time.
Video and text examples will be used to show, not just tell. With an emphasis on practicality, you'll be able to turn what you learned around into action immediately.
***Session 2 Title: Teaching Writing in Small Groups
Description: Drawing from Jennifer Serravallo's Teaching Writing in Small Groups as well as The Writing Strategies Book, this workshop will show you how just a few minutes of purposeful, responsive teaching can have a big impact with your students.
The emphasis will be in essential practices for optimizing small groups that will help you value each child's language and literacy practices, develop relationships with your writers, teach with efficiency, improve independence, and more.
The engaging videos and Jen's ability to break down complex concepts into actionable, doable steps will equip participants to be able to try out the ideas right away.
Jennifer Serravallo Presents: Reading Strategies - Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom
Jennifer Serravallo Presents: Reading Strategies - Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom
Date and Time
Full-day workshop from 10:00 am to 4:00pm Eastern Time (ET).
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Please note that this virtual mini-workshop is scheduled for Eastern Time (ET). If you are in a different time zone, please plan your schedule accordingly.
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a research-packed (700+ citations to the science of reading) revised and reimagined update to The New York Times’ bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about each reading goal: key research findings, skill progressions for systematic sequential teaching, tips for explicit teaching and feedback, and how to match assessments to strategies that matter most.
Next, you’ll move into grade-band breakout groups led by Jen’s colleagues to learn about each goal, practice assessing student work, and watch videos of Jen and her colleagues teaching K-8 readers in a variety of whole class and small group formats. This day will be comprehensive and cover a lot of content, engage you with activities and equip you to take what you learned back to the classroom right away.
**PLEASE NOTE that participants will be invited to actively use The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 during the workshop; please have your copy on hand.
Learning Objectives
Develop an understanding of research base for reading strategies, goal-directed instruction, and for each reading goal.
Learn practical strategies for assessing and evaluating reading.
Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress.
Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to student goals.
Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes.
Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including notetaking and scheduling.
Who Should Participate
Classroom teachers of grades K-8, literacy coaches, school administrators, professors of education, school librarians, curriculum coordinators, and ELA supervisors.
Teaching Reading Across the Day
This full-day, interactive, online institute led by author Jennifer Serravallo is based on her new release with Corwin: Teaching Reading Across the Day. In this institute, she’ll teach nine effective, predictable, research-based lesson structures participants can use whether teaching English language arts, science, or social studies in grades K-8. Through explanation, activities and videos, attendees will learn the pacing and structures of each lesson type, as well as high-leverage, research-based practices that are important across all lesson types such as building vocabulary and knowledge, incorporating responsiveness, making appropriate text choices, and keeping students highly engaged. Throughout, Jen will connect to the science of teaching reading—sharing key research studies and replicated findings—and also speak to the art of teaching—honoring teachers’ craft and decision-making.
Learning intentions:
During this institute, we are learning how to bring effective literacy practices into all content areas, how to build knowledge and content across the day, and how to use high-leverage lesson structures to maximize effectiveness and engagement.
Success Criteria:
I can…
1. Identify purposes for nine lesson structures (read aloud, phonics and spelling, vocabulary, focus, shared reading, close reading, guided inquiry, reader’s theater, and conversation).
2. Visualize how various lesson structures will work with the specific grade level and subject area(s) I teach.
3. Plan an engaging lesson using a provided lesson template.
4. Apply strategies to keep students engaged during lessons.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of how to incorporate vocabulary instruction and intentional knowledge building within each lesson type.
6. Make informed choices about which texts to use for which lesson structures and purposes.
7. Learn how to, when planning, anticipate ways I may respond to students during lessons, and learn how to make in-the-moment decisions to respond to students aligned to lesson objectives.
8. Cite key research findings that undergird the recommendations in the institute.
De Mots et De Craie (Quebec)
Title: Teaching Reading Across the Day (120 minutes)
Description: Drawing from the newly-released Teaching Reading Across the Day from Corwin Literacy, you will explore Jen’s elements of explicit, engaging instruction. Jen will briefly overview nine effective, predictable, research-based lesson structures teachers can use whether teaching ELA, science, or social studies in grades K-8, and will explore one of them in depth. Jen will connect to the science of teachingreading—sharing key research studies and replicated findings—and also speak tothe art of teaching—honoring teachers’ craft and decision-making.
Title: Teaching Writing in Small Groups (90 minutes)
Description: Drawing from Jennifer Serravallo’s Teaching Writing in Small Groups and The Writing Strategies Book, this session will show you how to assess, set goals, and teach writers in small group lessons. Jen will emphasize essential practices for optimizing small groups leaning on predictable structures that fit a variety of purposes. You’ll also study how to articulate explicit strategies and use skill progressions to match instruction to writers and monitor progress as you guide practice. The engaging videos and Jen’s ability to break down complex concepts into actionable, doable steps will equip participants to be able to try out the ideas right away.
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom (90 minutes)
Description: Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction-no matter what approach to literacy you use, the grade level, the developmental levels, or the ages of the students you teach.
You’ll learn about the broad research base for strategyinstruction in reading, ways to choose the right strategies for each readerbased on reading goals and skill progressions. This workshop is designed to behighly practical with immediately applicable information.
Schedule: 120-minute session, two 90-minute sessions
Teaching Reading Across the Day: Explore the Science Of Reading and Art of Teaching with Jennifer Serravallo
This full-day, interactive, online workshop led by author Jennifer Serravallo is based on her new release with Corwin Books: Teaching Reading Across the Day. In this workshop, she’ll teach nine effective, predictable, research-based lesson structures participants can use whether teaching English language arts, science, or social studies in grades K-8. Through explanation, activities, and videos, attendees will learn the pacing and structures of each lesson type, as well as high leverage, research-based practices that are important across all lesson types such as building vocabulary and knowledge, incorporating responsiveness, making appropriate text choices, and keeping students highly engaged. Throughout, Jen will connect to the science of teaching reading—sharing key research studies and replicated findings—and also speak to the art of teaching—honoring teachers’ craft and decision-making.
Expected Outcomes:
During this workshop, we are learning how to bring effective literacy practices into all content areas, how to build knowledge and content across the day, and how to use high-leverage lesson structures to maximize effectiveness and engagement.
Success Criteria
Participants will:
Identify purposes for nine lesson structures (read aloud, phonics and spelling, vocabulary, focus, shared reading, close reading, guided inquiry, reader’s theater, and conversation)
Visualize how various lesson structures will work with the specific grade level and subject area(s) taught Plan an engaging lesson using a provided lesson template
Apply strategies to keep students engaged during lessons
Demonstrate an understanding of how to incorporate vocabulary instruction and intentional knowledge building within each lesson type
Implement informed choices about which texts to use for which lesson structures and purposes
Engage, when planning, to anticipate ways to respond to students during lessons, and learn how to make in-the-moment decisions to respond to students aligned to lesson objectives
Cite key research findings that undergird the recommendations in the workshop
Jennifer Serravallo Presents: Writing Strategies and Structures - Research-Based Powerful Teaching for Every Classroom
Jennifer Serravallo Presents: Writing Strategies and Structures - Research-Based Powerful Teaching for Every Classroom
Date and Time
Full-day workshop from 10:00 am to 4:00pm Eastern Time (ET).
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Please note that this virtual mini-workshop is scheduled for Eastern Time (ET). If you are in a different time zone, please plan your schedule accordingly.
Don’t let reading instruction get all the attention—research is clear that in classrooms with near-even amounts of writing and reading instruction, students not only write better but they also read better. Join Jennifer Serravallo, author of The Writing Strategies Book; Teaching Writing in Small Groups; and other popular titles—and her colleagues for a full-day deep dive into strategies and structures for teaching writing that will make the biggest difference in your classroom, no matter your curriculum or approach.
We’ll begin the day by exploring the research base for writing strategy instruction, writing process, and explicit instruction. You’ll learn about Jen’s hierarchy of writing goals, how to craft strategies and locate mentor texts to use in your writing, and how her skill progressions can support your efforts to set writing goals and progress monitor as you teach whole class and small group lessons. For a good part of the day, you’ll join colleagues in grade-band specific breakout rooms so you can look at student work aligned to the grade you teach, and watch videos of Jen and her colleagues teaching. During this time, you’ll learn the essential components of effective writing instruction and a variety of methods to match purpose.
**PLEASE NOTE that participants will be invited to actively use The Writing Strategies Book during the workshop; please have your copy on hand.
Learning Objectives
Determine goals in writing through use of formative assessment.
Understand how strategies can be an essential scaffold to support new skill development and transition students to independence.
Understand writing as a process.
Craft effective strategies from a study of mentor texts and our own writing processes.
Learn a variety of structures and methods for teaching writing in explicit, engaging ways.
Understand the elements of effective feedback and how to guide writers through moments of productive struggle during lessons.
Develop systems to manage a range of goals and needs within the same classroom, including ideas for note-taking and scheduling differentiated instruction.
Who Should Participate
Classroom teachers of grades K-8, literacy coaches, reading and language arts specialists, content area (history, social studies, science) teachers interested in learning about how to teach writing, curriculum coordinators and administrators, and college professors of education.
Jennifer Serravallo Presents: Reading Strategies - Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom
Jennifer Serravallo Presents: Reading Strategies - Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom
Date and Time
Full-day workshop from 10:00 am to 4:00pm Eastern Time (ET).
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Please note that this virtual mini-workshop is scheduled for Eastern Time (ET). If you are in a different time zone, please plan your schedule accordingly.
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a research-packed (700+ citations to the science of reading) revised and reimagined update to The New York Times’ bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about each reading goal: key research findings, skill progressions for systematic sequential teaching, tips for explicit teaching and feedback, and how to match assessments to strategies that matter most.
Next, you’ll move into grade-band breakout groups led by Jen’s colleagues to learn about each goal, practice assessing student work, and watch videos of Jen and her colleagues teaching K-8 readers in a variety of whole class and small group formats. This day will be comprehensive and cover a lot of content, engage you with activities and equip you to take what you learned back to the classroom right away.
**PLEASE NOTE that participants will be invited to actively use The Reading Strategies Book 2.0 during the workshop; please have your copy on hand.
Learning Objectives
Develop an understanding of research base for reading strategies, goal-directed instruction, and for each reading goal.
Learn practical strategies for assessing and evaluating reading.
Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress.
Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to student goals.
Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes.
Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including notetaking and scheduling.
Who Should Participate
Classroom teachers of grades K-8, literacy coaches, school administrators, professors of education, school librarians, curriculum coordinators, and ELA supervisors.
Teaching Reading Across the Day Virtual Institute
Teaching Reading Across the Day Virtual Institute
This full-day, interactive, online institute led by author Jennifer Serravallo is based on her new release with Corwin: Teaching Reading Across the Day. In this institute, she’ll teach nine effective, predictable, research-based lesson structures participants can use whether teaching English language arts, science, or social studies in grades K-8. Through explanation, activities and videos, attendees will learn the pacing and structures of each lesson type, as well as high-leverage, research-based practices that are important across all lesson types such as building vocabulary and knowledge, incorporating responsiveness, making appropriate text choices, and keeping students highly engaged. Throughout, Jen will connect to the science of teaching reading—sharing key research studies and replicated findings—and also speak to the art of teaching—honoring teachers’ craft and decision-making.
All teachers of any subject area (ELA, science, social studies, etc), coaches, and administrators are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Model Schools Conference
Title: The Science of Reading includes Strategy Instruction!
Description: Learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading, and the when, how, and how much of strategy instruction to support comprehension alongside knowledge-building. The workshop begins with an overview of key research findings and quickly moves into practical ideas you can use right away in your school or classroom no matter your curriculum or approach to literacy: from skill progressions for systematic sequential teaching, to tips for explicit teaching and feedback, to hands-on practice evaluating student work to match students to strategies. You'll also watch excerpts of videos to see strategies coming to life in the classroom during whole class and small group instruction.
Orlando, Florida
Teaching Reading Across the Day Virtual Institute
This full-day, interactive, online institute led by author Jennifer Serravallo is based on her new release with Corwin: Teaching Reading Across the Day. In this institute, she’ll teach nine effective, predictable, research-based lesson structures participants can use whether teaching English language arts, science, or social studies in grades K-8. Through explanation, activities and videos, attendees will learn the pacing and structures of each lesson type, as well as high-leverage, research-based practices that are important across all lesson types such as building vocabulary and knowledge, incorporating responsiveness, making appropriate text choices, and keeping students highly engaged. Throughout, Jen will connect to the science of teaching reading—sharing key research studies and replicated findings—and also speak to the art of teaching—honoring teachers’ craft and decision-making.
All teachers of any subject area (ELA, science, social studies, etc), coaches, and administrators are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Reading Strategies: Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom
Date and Time
Full-day workshop from 10:00 am to 4:00pm Eastern Time (ET).
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Please note that this virtual mini-workshop is scheduled for Eastern Time (ET). If you are in a different time zone, please plan your schedule accordingly.
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a research-packed (700+ citations to the science of reading) revised and reimagined update to The New York Times’ bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about each reading goal: key research findings, skill progressions for systematic sequential teaching, tips for explicit teaching and feedback, and how to match assessments to strategies that matter most.
Next, you’ll move into grade-band breakout groups led by Jen’s colleagues to learn about each goal, practice assessing student work, and watch videos of Jen and her colleagues teaching K-8 readers in a variety of whole class and small group formats. This day will be comprehensive and cover a lot of content, engage you with activities and equip you to take what you learned back to the classroom right away.
Learning Objectives
Develop an understanding of research base for reading strategies, goal-directed instruction, and for each reading goal.
Learn practical strategies for assessing and evaluating reading.
Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress.
Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to student goals.
Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes.
Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including notetaking and scheduling.
Who Should Participate
Classroom teachers of grades K-8, literacy coaches, school administrators, professors of education, school librarians, curriculum coordinators, and ELA supervisors.
Massachusettes Reading Association Annual Conference - Luncheon Keynote
Luncheon keynote speech for the Massachusetts Reading Association Annual Conference, followed by a book signing.
![Illinois Reading Council Annual Conference](
Illinois Reading Council Annual Conference
Keynote Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this keynote will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction-no matter what approach to literacy you use, the grade level, the developmental levels, or the ages of the students you teach. You’ll learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading, ways to choose the right strategies for each reader based on reading goals and skill progressions. This keynote is designed to be highly practical with immediately applicable information.
Session 1 Title: Bringing Strategies to Life: Reading with Accuracy and Fluency
Description: Drawing from Jen’s best-selling resources on the teaching of reading, this workshop will help you to become adept at assessing and teaching to support students' accuracy and fluency through conferences and small group instruction.
You will explore strategies for supporting reading with accuracy and fluency using skills progression for thinking about how the work becomes more sophisticated over time.
Video and text examples will be used to show, not just tell. With an emphasis on practicality, you'll be able to turn what you learned around into action immediately.
Session 2 Title: Teaching Writing in Small Groups
Description: Drawing from Jennifer Serravallo's Teaching Writing in Small Groups as well as The Writing Strategies Book, this workshop will show you how just a few minutes of purposeful, responsive teaching can have a big impact with your students.
The emphasis will be in essential practices for optimizing small groups that will help you value each child's language and literacy practices, develop relationships with your writers, teach with efficiency, improve independence, and more.
The engaging videos and Jen's ability to break down complex concepts into actionable, doable steps will equip participants to be able to try out the ideas right away.
Schedule: one-hour keynote (luncheon), two one-hour featured presentations
Writing Strategies and Structures: Research-Based Powerful Teaching for Every Classroom
Date and Time
Full-day workshop from 10:00 am to 4:00pm Eastern Time (ET).
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Please note that this webinar series is scheduled for Eastern Time (ET). If you are in a different time zone, please plan your schedule accordingly.
Don’t let reading instruction get all of the attention—research is clear that in classrooms with near-even amounts of writing and reading instruction, students not only write better but they also read better. Join Jennifer Serravallo, author of The Writing Strategies Book; Teaching Writing in Small Groups; and other popular titles—and her colleagues for a full day deep dive into strategies and structures for teaching writing that will make the biggest difference in your classroom, no matter your curriculum or approach.
We’ll begin the day by exploring the research base for writing strategy instruction, writing process, and explicit instruction. You’ll learn about Jen’s hierarchy of writing goals, how to craft strategies and locate mentor texts to use in your writing, and how her skill progressions can support your efforts to set writing goals and progress monitor as you teach whole class and small group lessons. For a good part of the day, you’ll join colleagues in grade-band specific breakout rooms so you can look at student work aligned to the grade you teach, and watch videos of Jen and her colleagues teaching. During this time, you’ll learn the essential components of effective writing instruction and a variety of methods to match purpose.
Learning Objectives
Determine goals in writing through use of formative assessment
Understand how strategies can be an essential scaffold to support new skill development and transition students to independence
Understand writing as a process
Craft effective strategies from a study of mentor texts and our own writing processes
Learn a variety of structures and methods for teaching writing in explicit, engaging ways
Understand the elements of effective feedback and how to guide writers through moments of productive struggle during lessons
Develop systems to manage a range of goals and needs within the same classroom, including ideas for note-taking and scheduling differentiated instruction
Who Should Participate
Classroom teachers of grades K-8, literacy coaches, reading and language arts specialists, content area (history, social studies, science) teachers interested in learning about how to teach writing, curriculum coordinators and administrators, and college professors of education.
Strategies and Structures for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening to Support Deep Comprehension and Craft Powerful Constructed Responses
When students need to demonstrate how they read complex texts with comprehension, and
how to craft well-written constructed responses, strategies can be a tremendous support. When
we are scaffolding their way toward independence, we need to offer children clear, explicit,
responsive instruction every step of the way, and in every grade level.
This workshop will draw from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a research-
packed (700+citations to the science of reading) revised and reimagined update to the NYT
bestselling resource, and The Writing Strategies Book (aligned to the WWC/ies research
practice guide for effective writing instruction). You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction and what
makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about reading and writing goals, and how
to leverage reciprocity between them.
Next, we’ll explore examples of texts and tasks on one standardized assessment to identify
what goals, skills, and strategies students will need. (Note: We anticipate the majority of our
audience will be joining from TX so we will be looking at STAAR. However, participants from all
states are welcome to attend as the overarching principles, strategies, and processes will apply
broadly to any standardized texts and tasks.) We will also explore demands related to text
complexity, and the presenters will offer suggestions for how to support students’ reading of
texts that are too hard.
Then, you will spend time in K-2 and 3-8 grade-band breakout groups led by two of Jen’s
colleagues to drill down to grade-specific expectations leaning on skill progressions from The
Reading Strategies Book 2.0 and Teaching Writing in Small Groups. We’ll explore strategies
that best align to the grade-specific skills and task expectations. In this highly interactive portion
of the day, we’ll analyze student work and watch video demonstrations of Jen and her
colleagues teaching in K-8 classrooms. You’ll also learn different methods of instruction to
scaffold comprehension and written response to reading across the school day. We will
explore, for example, how conversation can serve as both a support for comprehension and as
a way to rehearse written responses–and we’ll show videos to demonstrate how teachers can
and should play an active role in teaching explicitly during discussions. As another example, we’ll study how different methods of teaching writing –from shared writing to focus lessons–offer
different levels of support depending on the age and experience level of your students.
It is possible to run a research-based literacy classroom that is filled with authentic, meaningful
experiences that also transfers to student success on the end-of-year standardized assessment,
and Jen and her colleagues will show you how! This full day will be jam-packed, interactive, and
highly practical, equipping you to take what you learned back to the classroom right away.
![Reading Strategies: Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom](
Reading Strategies: Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a research-packed (700+ citations to the science of reading) revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
![Reading Strategies Full Day Workshop](
Reading Strategies Full Day Workshop
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Research-Based Instruction for Every Classroom
Description: Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a
research-packed (700+ citations to the science of reading) revised and
reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this workshop will help
you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what
approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages
of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in
reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn
about each reading goal: key research findings, skill progressions for
systematic sequential teaching, tips for explicit teaching and feedback, and
how to match assessments to strategies that matter most.
Throughout the day you’ll view videos of Jen and her colleagues teaching K-8
readers in a variety of whole-class and small-group formats, aligned to the
range of goals. This day will be comprehensive and cover a lot of content,
engage you with activities, and equip you to take what you learned back to
the classroom right away.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
● Develop an understanding of the research base for reading
strategies, goal-directed instruction, and for each reading goal.
● Learn practical strategies for assessing and evaluating reading.
● Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress
● Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to
student goals
● Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences
and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes
● Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including
notetaking and scheduling
![Bringing Writing (and Drawing!) Strategies to Life](
Bringing Writing (and Drawing!) Strategies to Life
Jennifer Serravallo, author of the bestselling The Writing Strategies Book, is joined by award winning author-illustrator Jarrett Lerner (EngiNerds series of Middle Grade novels, the Geeger the Robot series of early chapter books, The Hunger Heroes series of graphic novel chapter books, and the Nat the Cat series, and the new A Work in Progress), and Darren Victory (award-winning journalist, former teacher, and current member of Jen’s consulting team) for an exploration of bringing writing strategies to life, and supporting our (teachers’ and students’!) creativity as we compose with words and pictures.
![Rutgers Center for Literacy Development Speaker Series](
Rutgers Center for Literacy Development Speaker Series
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this session will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction, with a focus on accuracy and fluency through conferences and small group instruction. You’ll learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading, ways to choose the right strategies for each reader based on reading goals and skill progressions, and strategies for supporting
reading with accuracy and fluency. Video examples will be used throughout the session to show, not just tell. With an emphasis on practicality, you’ll be able to turn what you learned around into action immediately.
Schedule: 9:45 - 11:45 presented by Jen, 40-minute break for lunch, Leah Steiner, a member of Jen’s consulting team, will continue the presentation until 2:00
![California Reading Association: Keynote](
California Reading Association: Keynote
Opening keynote for the annual CA Reading Association Conference
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Reading strategies offer children the essential "how to" toaccomplish any goal or skill: from engaging with their reading, to decoding and blending to read words accurately, to reading fluently, to understand what they read. Reading strategies make teaching more explicit, and support independence, and they belong in every classroom, no matter your curriculum or your approach to literacy instruction. In this keynote, Jennifer Serravallo will review the broad and deep research-based strategy instruction, what makes an effective strategy, and how to use goals and skill progressions toidentify the right strategy at the right time--whether planning (or supplementing) curriculum or making decisions for differentiated instruction.
![2 Day Conference ft. Sessions by Dr. Macie Kerbs](
2 Day Conference ft. Sessions by Dr. Macie Kerbs
Join my colleague Dr. Macie Kerbs as she gives an overview of strategies to support the comprehension of narrative and expository texts.
From designing short text assessments to analyzing student work, you’ll walk away with a plethora of strategies to unpack narrative texts with your students.
Macie presents live on September 30 and October 1 2023 at Toddle TIES, the largest virtual event for forward thinking educators.
Learn from Macie and another 50+ session at this significant global event.
![Wisconsin CESA 7: Implementing the Science of Reading Series](
Wisconsin CESA 7: Implementing the Science of Reading Series
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Reading strategies offer children the essential "how to" to accomplish any goal or skill: from engaging with their reading, to decoding and blending to read words accurately, to reading fluently, to understand what they read. Reading strategies make teaching more explicit, and support independence, and they belong in every classroom, no matter your curriculum or your approach to literacy instruction. In this keynote, Jennifer Serravallo will review the broad and deep research-based strategy instruction, what makes an effective strategy, and how to use goals and skill progressions toidentify the right strategy at the right time--whether planning (or supplementing) curriculum or making decisions for differentiated instruction.
![Oklahoma Reading Association: Keynote](
Oklahoma Reading Association: Keynote
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction-no matter what approach to literacy you use, the grade level, the developmental levels, or the ages of the students you teach.
You’ll learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading, ways to choose the right strategies for each reader based on reading goals and skill progressions. This keynote is designed to be highly practical with immediately applicable information.
Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about reading goals and skill progressions for each goal which will equip you to target the just-right strategies for each reader. You’ll learn streamlined ways to evaluate student work to save planning and prep time.
The final portion of the workshop will lean on Jen’s book A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences, exploring strategies coming to live in the classroom through conferences and small group instruction. You’ll learn purposes aligned to each conference and small group type, and about the most impactful teacher moves you can use within them to maximize student learning. Through video, engaging activities, and clear presentation, this workshop is designed to be highly practical and immediately applicable.
MAIS Conference
Part 4 of a four part series exploring reading and writing strategies and structures. Join in progress!
Reading Strategies: Webinar Series (Part 3/3)
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this webinar series will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about reading goals and skill progressions for each goal which will equip you to target the just-right strategies for each reader. You’ll learn streamlined ways to evaluate student work to save planning and prep time.
The final portion of the webinar series will lean on Jen’s book A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences, exploring strategies coming to life in the classroom through conferences and small group instruction. You’ll learn purposes aligned to each conference and small group type, and about the most impactful teacher moves you can use within them to maximize student learning. Through video, engaging activities, and clear presentation, this webinar series is designed to be highly practical and immediately applicable.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
Develop an understanding of the research base for reading strategies, goal-directed instruction, and each reading goal
Learn to study student work to determine goals
Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress
Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to student goals
Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes
Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including notetaking and scheduling
Online and classroom teachers Grades K-8, administrators, curriculum coordinators, reading specialists, writing teachers, literacy specialists, learning coaches.
Canadian Registration - Join in progress!
Reading Strategies: Webinar Series (Part 2/3)
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this webinar series will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about reading goals and skill progressions for each goal which will equip you to target the just-right strategies for each reader. You’ll learn streamlined ways to evaluate student work to save planning and prep time.
The final portion of the webinar series will lean on Jen’s book A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences, exploring strategies coming to life in the classroom through conferences and small group instruction. You’ll learn purposes aligned to each conference and small group type, and about the most impactful teacher moves you can use within them to maximize student learning. Through video, engaging activities, and clear presentation, this webinar series is designed to be highly practical and immediately applicable.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
Develop an understanding of the research base for reading strategies, goal-directed instruction, and each reading goal
Learn to study student work to determine goals
Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress
Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to student goals
Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes
Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including notetaking and scheduling
Online and classroom teachers Grades K-8, administrators, curriculum coordinators, reading specialists, writing teachers, literacy specialists, learning coaches.
Reading Strategies: Online Workshop for IL ASCD
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT
bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what
approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about reading goals and skill progressions for each goal which will equip you to target the just-right strategies for each reader. You’ll learn streamlined ways to evaluate student work to save
planning and prep time.
The final portion of the workshop will lean on Jen’s book A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences, exploring strategies coming to life in the classroom through conferences and small group instruction. You’ll learn purposes aligned to each conference and small group type, and about the most impactful teacher moves you
can use within them to maximize student learning. Through video, engaging activities, and clear presentation, this workshop is designed to be highly practical and immediately applicable.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
Develop an understanding of research base for reading strategies, goal-directed instruction, and for each reading goal.
Learn to study student work to determine goals
Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress
Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to student goals
Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes
Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including notetaking and scheduling
Who Should Attend:
Teachers, Teacher Coaches, Curriculum Directors, Teacher Assistants, Administrators
Reading Strategies: Webinar Series (Part 1/3)
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this webinar series will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about reading goals and skill progressions for each goal which will equip you to target the just-right strategies for each reader. You’ll learn streamlined ways to evaluate student work to save planning and prep time.
The final portion of the webinar series will lean on Jen’s book A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences, exploring strategies coming to life in the classroom through conferences and small group instruction. You’ll learn purposes aligned to each conference and small group type, and about the most impactful teacher moves you can use within them to maximize student learning. Through video, engaging activities, and clear presentation, this webinar series is designed to be highly practical and immediately applicable.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
Develop an understanding of the research base for reading strategies, goal-directed instruction, and each reading goal
Learn to study student work to determine goals
Use skill progressions to identify strategies and track progress
Craft strategies and feedback prompts and learn to match them to student goals
Learn practical ways to guide student practice through conferences and small groups, and how to match methods to purposes
Explore practical ways to manage differentiation, including notetaking and scheduling
Online and classroom teachers Grades K-8, administrators, curriculum coordinators, reading specialists, writing teachers, literacy specialists, learning coaches.
National Louis University Webinar Series
Bringing Strategies to Life: Reading with Fluency (Part 2)
MAIS Conference
I’m delighted to be partnering with MAIS — the Mediterranean Association of International Schools — to offer a series of workshops about assessing, goal-setting, and finding the right strategies for readers and writers. This session focuses on using the hierarchy to find goals, and how to conduct goal-setting conferences.
Connecticut Reading Association
Title: Reading Strategies: Essential Teaching for Every Classroom
Description: Reading strategies offer children the essential "how to" to accomplish any goal or skill: from engaging with their reading, to decoding and blending to read words accurately, to reading fluently, to understand what they read. Reading strategies make teaching more explicit, and support independence, and they belong in every classroom, no matter your curriculum or your approach to literacy instruction. In this keynote, Jennifer Serravallo will review the broad and deep research-based strategy instruction, what makes an effective strategy, and how to use goals and skill progressions to identify the right strategy at the right time--whether planning (or supplementing) curriculum or making decisions for differentiated instruction.
Title: Bringing Strategies to Life: Small Group Instruction in the K-8 Classroom
Description: Drawing from Jennifer Serravallo’s Teachers Guide to Reading Conferences and Teaching Writing in Small Groups, this workshop will show you how just a few minutes of purposeful, responsive teaching can have a big impact with your students. The emphasis will be on essential practices for optimizing small groups that will help you teach with efficiency, improve independence, and support your students' skill development. The engaging videos and Jen’s ability to break down complex concepts into actionable, doable steps will equip participants to be able to try out the ideas right away.
Georgia Association Of Curriculum & Instruction Supervisors
Invited keynote speaker for the 2023 annual winter conference of GACIS.
Full-day Workshop: Reading Strategies
Drawing from the newly-released The Reading Strategies Book 2.0, a revised and reimagined update to the NYT bestselling resource, this workshop will help you use strategies effectively in your instruction—no matter what approach to literacy you use, or the grade level, developmental levels, or ages of the students you teach.
You’ll first learn about the broad research base for strategy instruction in reading and what makes an effective reading strategy. Then, you’ll learn about reading goals and skill progressions for each goal which will equip you to target the just-right strategies for each reader. You’ll learn streamlined ways to evaluate student work to save planning and prep time.
The final portion of the workshop will lean on Jen’s book A Teacher’s Guide to Reading Conferences, exploring strategies coming to live in the classroom through conferences and small group instruction. You’ll learn purposes aligned to each conference and small group type, and about the most impactful teacher moves you can use within them to maximize student learning. Through video, engaging activities, and clear presentation, this workshop is designed to be highly practical and immediately applicable.